We are currently not offering the Kids Summer Camp but will keep you posted about future opportunities.
Kids Summer Camp
Emotional Wealth For Life
Age group? 9-12 years old
When? To be announced
Time? 9:30 - 11:30 am (We don’t offer before or after camp care.)
Where? 146 Sagamore Pkwy West, West Lafayette, IN 47906
Cost? TBD
How to register? Email us with your interest: yourstillness@simoneyeomans.com. We will email you the registration form.
We have planned lots of fun (indoor and outdoor) activities!
Activities covered in this kids camp
How we build assumptions and what to do about them?
Emotional resilience, getting unstuck.
How do our bodies speak our feelings?
The benefits of boredom.
How to enjoy imperfections?
Why do other people hurt us or we hurt other people?
How to move beyond judgement?
Creating a new storyline for my life.
How to ignite creativity?
We look forward to welcome your child at our studio!