First things first:
Silence your cell phones and/or connected devices. Reducing any potential distraction is vital to the full experience of stillness. To find stillness in our overly noisy and distraction-filled world can be a challenge. Give yourself as optimal an experience as you can.
Have a pillow and blanket ready to allow the luxury of stillness to envelope you during the class. Comfort during the class AND in life is not only desirable but possible.
Have a journal/piece of paper and a pen/pencil right next to your yoga mat or stillness place. You might receive an inspiration, tap into a long-lost memory or encounter an idea that you will not want to lose by waiting too long after the class to write it down. In the state between sleeping and waking (at the end of a stillness class), we typically have a few seconds to a minute to keep ideas/inspirations/memories as fully vibrant and alive as they were during the stillness practice before they slip into forgetfulness.
Give yourself a few minutes after the class to fully integrate the experience.
Drink plenty of water for the rest of the day. Stillness can have a mentally, emotionally and even physically detoxifying effect. Drinking water aids in releasing subtle toxins.