“What Simone Yeomans has created and so fully conceptualized is profound, necessary, healing and transformative. Practicing stillness is needed to expand us out of our lives driven by and focused on minutia, the stress of non-stop day-to-day demands, and the sometimes unavoidable onslaught of negativity. In stillness, we can create the space and time to surrender, to let go, to go within, clean the slate of all we allow to separate us from our essential selves, and do so in a way that is pure being. While other forms of wellness approaches (such as yoga or meditation) have their benefits, what sets a stillness class with Simone apart is the immediacy of being able to let go. After just one session guided by Simone’s calm voice and instruction, I was able to find a world and peace within that had been too long gone in my every day. My breath and my being are notably more relaxed, and I know that others around me will benefit from the calm I have gained. I look forward to joining stillness classes on a regular basis.”

Meg Foley, Indiana

“Simone Yeomans has indeed brought a slice of paradise to the Greater Lafayette Area and beyond. Even more essential, she has brought our community an opportunity to truly feel alive. Having practiced with numerous wellness instructors over many years, it is clear that the quality of the experience deeply depends on the teacher’s own level of mastery. Simone’s concept and practice of stillness is exceptional! Not only is she highly educated and as a mental health expert understands the depth of the human condition, she also brings decades of stillness practice to the table that is rare to find.

Our every day life can be out-of-control busy, moving quickly from one commitment to the next, wreaking havoc on our health, relationships and the meaning we attribute to life. I have been practicing stillness at SY-Your Stillness now for several months and have found astonishing benefits, including improved health and mental clarity, increased self-esteem, life direction and the strength to unconditionally trust my inner voice. I have noticed myself to become more confident and bold, finding peace and to listen carefully to the inevitable insights that arise in me through stillness. SY-Your Stillness will change your life. Start today!”

Lisa Werth, Indiana

“Simone’s stillness practice is quite different from yoga and meditation. It’s simple, yet profound! Being “still” isn’t easy in this busy, chaotic world, but it is so important! Often times, when I attempt to find stillness at home, the demands of domestic chores, family, etc. take over. The studio of SY-Your Stillness is so refreshing, energizing and recharging. I left feeling grounded, balanced and uplifted.”

Kim Fields, Indiana

“I was unsure what to expect when I signed up for a SY-Your Stillness class, but I left with a profound sense of peace and felt more “awake” than I thought possible. The stillness class allowed a space for introspection, but also a space to see and be seen, which I found incredibly impactful. A lot of thought, time and expertise was put into designing the classes and the creation of a peaceful space where one can truly relax and be comfortable in stillness.”

Andrea Wellnitz, Georgia

“I could write another dissertation praising Simone and her stillness classes… But I will say this: Dr. Yeomans is a true expert and her stillness classes have dramatically changed my life by helping me find such a deep calm, freedom, and well-being. I have been taking her classes since she started her studio, and have experienced that her Meditative Stillness classes have benefited me in all other aspects of my life as well. Simone’s classes are a must-try for anyone interested in living life more peacefully, successfully, productively, and meaningfully.

Julianna Gesun, Massachusetts